Thursday, February 7, 2008


It is exciting to have a really good snowfall! We were completely covered yesterday night. Classes were canceled and I had the night off to catch up on some reading and TV watching. All of which happened after a long and extremely treacherous drive home. When I woke this morning, the light reflected tiny sparkles in the snow and the whole yard was lit up. A true delight! Today was a school day and I had a good time in Classical Myth. Two mid terms next week and I am off to leave the snow behind for sunny California. I am looking forward to seeing Sarah and Aaron, my great friends from YWAM and also venturing to a place I have never been before. I really need a good, healthy dose of travel. Hopefully this can be my fix for a while!


sarah said...

Amanda!! Love the new blog! We were just talking about how excited we are to see you.

Can't wait to have you down here in sunny So Cal. It is going to be 22-24C this week so hopefully it stays like that for next week too.

Love you much!!

Sean Wickett said...

say, is that one of the free range wild ooches?

talk about lucky! it's next to impossible to catch one on film.